Kinetic Typography

Graphic Designer & Motion Graphics


Interactive SIte

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My inspiration for the kinetic type, is based on where the audio comes from. The audio comes from the action movie V for Vendetta. In this movie it’s about a terrorist who wants to exact their revenge against an oppressive government!
The movie being very heavy on action and violence, I wanted to capture that nature in the animation.


The audio clip that was used involves shooting and even the sounds of the antagonist being choked out.
To complement the gritty violence of the circumstance, I wanted to work it into the animation.

The Focus

In the scene a Magnum revolver is fired at the protagonist “V” by the antagonist Mr. Creepy as a last resort. Killing “V” is the only way for Mr.Creedy to maintain the status quo, but the quote is about challenging that status quo with an idea that cannot be killed.


“Ideas are bulletproof” this idea that any of us can get behind a “mask” and show “them” a face to fear and respect, instead of cowering under oppressive power. The mask is an iconic symbol behind V’s brand and his cause. I made these strong elements that influence the plot of the story, into strong elements within the animation itself.